Virologe erklärt, wie er Bevölkerung einen Impfstoff aufzwang

Belgischer Top-Virologe erklärt, wie er der verängstigten belgischen Bevölkerung den Impfstoff gegen die Schweinegrippe aufgezwungen hat

Es handelt sich um einen Auszug aus einem Vortrag, den der belgische Top-Virologe Van Ranst am 22. Januar 2019 im Chatham House, einer großen nichtkommerziellen Organisation in London, gehalten hat, wo sich wichtige Weltführer treffen, um globale Themen zu diskutieren. Zu den Gewinnern des Chatham House-Preises zählen Hillary Clinton, Melinda Gates und John Kerry. Was Van Ranst bespricht, ist einfach schockierend. Van Ranst erklärt tatsächlich, wie er die gesamte belgische Bevölkerung während der Schweinegrippe durch Panikmache, Sterblichkeitsgrenzen außerhalb des Kontextes und Medienmanipulation zum Narren gehalten hat. Lachend erklärt er, wie er es geschafft hat, der verängstigten belgischen Bevölkerung den Impfstoff gegen die Schweinegrippe aufzuzwingen. Ein Impfstoff, der von den Pharmaunternehmen hergestellt wurde, für die er arbeitete.

Der Auszug selbst (Video ab 43:48)

Thanks for the invitation. A I was asked to tell you about my experiences as being the crisis manager, the Flu Commissioner for Belgium and highlighting the communication. And then you have one opportunity to do it right. I mean, day one is so important. In day one you start your communication with the press, with the people and you have to do it right. I mean, you have to go for one voice, one message. In Belgium, they chose to appoint a non politician to do that. And I have no party affiliations, and that makes things a little bit, at that time at least, a little bit easier because you’re not attacked politically, majority minority. That doesn’t come into play and that was a huge advantage. The second advantage is that you can play in Brussels the complete naive guy and get a lot more done than you would otherwise be able to do. You have to be omnipresent that first day, or the first days, so that you attract the media attention. You make an agreement with them, that you will tell them all and if they call, you will pick up the phone. When you do that, then you can profit from these early days to get complete corporate coverage of the field and they’re not going to search for alternative voices there. And if you do that, that makes things a lot easier. The first weeks that’s easy street when you have no opposition and everybody needs news and they can come to you for news, you can bring quite a lot of neutral information and it is picked up and, well, the news is brought the way you bring it and you can only do that in the first couple of weeks or months.

And the you have to say, okay, well, we will have H1N1 deaths. Of course, that would be unavoidable.

I used Sir Donaldson’s quote where he said that in the UK, by the peak of the endemic 40 people would die per day at the end of the summer. So 62, at that time, million people in the UK, 40 deaths a day I worked it out for Belgium.

That would be seven deaths a day at the peak of the endemic. I used that in the media. Seven Belgian flu deaths per day at the peak of the endemic would be realistic. That is true in every year.

Even interepidemically, that is very conservative. However, talking about fatalities is important because if you say that, people say: Wow, what do you mean? People die because of influenza? And that was a necessary step to take. And the, of course, a couple of days later, you had the first H1N1 death in the country, and the scene was set and it was already talked about. And then you have to pick who is going to be vaccinated first and then women and children first.

Whatever, I mean rsik groups, they were important. And the I misused the fact that the top top football soccer clubs in Belgium inappropriately and against all agreements, vaccinated, they made their soccer players priority people. So I said, I can use that because if the population really believes that this vaccine is so desirable that even the soccer players would be dishonest to get their vaccine, I said, okay, I can play with that. So I made a big fuzz about this.

This is ‚Van Ranst is raving mad‘, (laughing). But it worked.

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